(b. 1985, Scotland - Arrived in New Zealand: 2007)
Bachelor of Media Arts (Honours), Waikato Institute of Technology
Craig McClure is a Hamilton based artist and works from his studio at the Meteor Theatre. McClure’s work includes paintings and drawings, performance and installation as well as illustration, murals and zines.
Inspired by a childhood packed with American comic books and cartoons, art stopped and started between Saturday morning television programmes and superheros. McClure’s work today is an amalgamation of contemporary painting and comic book illustration. He makes bodies of new paintings and drawings in a non-theoretical manner in the studio, weaving experience and subconscious ideas into his mark making, treating the works as Rorschach tests until they reveal an end point compositionally or through narrative.
Repeated ideas and motifs are Influenced by universal dreams, the collective unconscious, science-fiction, overheard conversation, social commentary, political observation and humour.
You can follow McClure AKA Magic Darts on Instagram @magic.darts or by visiting his website craigmcclure.com
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